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Scaffolding Home View ๐Ÿ 

Generating a route and read/list view was a great bootstrap step, but it can be helpful to provide a home page and main function to immediately see you application running.

This is where the scaffolding_home mason brick helps out.

scaffolding_home is a option mason brick that is called when the option --generate-home is true.

The challenge with only use the scaffolding brick is that it is designed to generate one feature. So it only call scaffolding_home with a single route.

If you are scaffolding many features - you can take advantage of the scaffolding_home brick directly.

To do this lets add the brick on our project.

Adding Scaffolding Home brick to the projectโ€‹

# ๐Ÿ  add the scaffolding_home brick
mason add scaffolding_home

Making more than one featureโ€‹

Based on on the feature we already have, lets add another one, but leave the home generation to aftewards

mason make scaffolding --package static_scaffolding_sample \
--feature feature2 --properties "String name, bool complete=false" \
--generate-home false --generate-tests false

Now we have 2 features - contact and todo so lets scaffold them both into the home view.

mason make scaffolding_home --package static_scaffolding_sample \
--features feature1, feature2

This will generate:

You have the following features: [feature1, feature2]
conflict .../static_scaffolding_sample/lib/scaffold_app.dart
Overwrite scaffold_app.dart? (Yyna) Y
โœ“ Made brick scaffolding_home (4.3s)
โœ“ Generated 2 file(s):
.../static_scaffolding_sample/lib/main.dart (identical)
.../static_scaffolding_sample/lib/scaffold_app.dart (new)

As you can see the brick takes a list of features seperated by a comma.

The new home view will now look like the view below and you can navigate to either the feature1 or the feature2 views.

home 2 features feature1 feature2

While this is just an example names like Contacts for Feature1 and Todo for Feature2 would yield a better scaffold, but I used these simple names for demonstration purposes.

With our new scaffolding_home we next need to consider scaffolding_home_tests.